It's a New Day in Public Health.
The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.
Tobacco Prevention
Florida Department of Health in Broward County
- 954-467-4700
Smoking is the #1 cause of preventable death in the United States, and every day 88 Floridians die due to tobacco-related illnesses. The Tobacco Prevention Program of Broward is administered locally at the Florida Department of Health in Broward County (DOH-Broward). The program focuses on improving the health of Broward County residents through policy and systems change under four main goals:
- Prevent initiation of tobacco products among youth and young adults.
- Eliminate secondhand smoke exposure.
- Maintain infrastructure of Students Working Against Tobacco (SWAT) and the Tobacco Free Partnership of Broward County.
- Promote Cessation from Tobacco Use.
Additionally, DOH-Broward leads the Tobacco Free Partnership of Broward County. The Partnership is a community coalition of individuals who are committed to making Broward County a safer, healthier place to live, work, and play.
Partnership members have an interest in developing tobacco-related policies that prevent exposure to secondhand smoke, youth from accessing tobacco products and provide opportunities for individuals to become tobacco-free. Membership is open to the general public and professionals interested in tobacco use prevention. For information, call 954-847-8116.
Students Working Against Tobacco (SWAT) is Florida’s statewide youth organization to mobilize, educate, and equip Florida youth to revolt against and deglamorize the tobacco industry.
DOH-Broward coordinates SWAT chapters in middle and high schools and community sites. For more information, please visit: SWAT
How To Quit
Tobacco Free Florida knows quitting can be very hard, but it's not impossible. In fact, there are more former smokers than current smokers in Florida. With the right help, resources, and the support to keep you going, Tobacco Free Florida can give you the best chance to quit for good.
For each person, overcoming nicotine addiction is different and we can help you choose a path to quitting that works for you. In fact, Tobacco Free Florida's quit services can double your chances of quitting any form of tobacco for good.
Tobacco Free Florida offers you choices to Quit Your Way. For more information, visit Tobacco Free Florida.
Quit Your Way
Phone Quit
Talk to a Quit Coach© to help you get started. Statewide Phone Number: 1-877-U-Can-Now (1-877-822-6669) or 1-877-777-6534 Local (Nova Southeastern University Area Health Education Centers- Tobacco Cessation Resources) Phone Number: 954-262-1580
Group Quit
Get the support you need at one of our group quit sessions. Statewide Phone Number: 1-877-U-Can-Now (1-877-822-6669) or 1-877-777-6534 Local (Nova Southeastern University Area Health Education Centers- Tobacco Cessation Resources) Phone Number: 954-262-1580
Web Quit
Get access to online tools to help you quit.
More Quit Tools
But wait, there are more ways to quit! Choose what you need or use them in addition to our Phone, Group and Web services.
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