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School-Based Dental Sealant Program

Florida Department of Health in Broward County


The Florida Department of Health in Broward County (DOH-Broward) Sealing and Educating All Little Smiles (SEALS) program provides sealants and other preventive dental services to children in public and charter elementary and middle schools.

  • Who qualifies for the Broward Dental SEALS program?
  • Is the service free to my family?
  • What is a dental sealant?
  • What services does the Broward Dental SEALS program provide to my child?
  • Will my child leave the school?
  • Do I need an appointment?
  • Does the Broward Dental SEALS program replace a regular checkup by a dentist?
  • How does the Broward Dental SEALS Program work?
  • When will the dental team arrive to my child’s school? 
  • Do you treat children you have already treated in previous years?
  • Can my child eat and drink after this visit?
  • Why did I receive my consent form back?
  • How do I get a permission form?
  • What happens if you find cavities?
  • Questions or concerns?
  • All students in grades Pre-K through eighth grade at public and charter elementary through middle schools in Broward County.
  • You will receive an information and consent form at the beginning of the school year. Please complete the consent for your child to participate in the program.
Yes. DOH-Broward bills Medicaid and Florida KidCare dental insurance, if available. Any services not covered by Medicaid or Florida KidCare are provided at no cost to families.

A sealant is a thin coating applied to the biting surface of molars to protect against cavity-causing bacteria. The treatment has been proven to be 86% effective in preventing tooth decay. It is colorless, tasteless, and non-toxic.

  • Dental assessment
  • Toothbrushing
  • Dental sealants (if needed)
  • Fluoride treatment for cavity prevention
  • Toothbrush, toothpaste, and flossers
  • Dental education book
  • If needed, referrals for follow-up care
No, the program’s dental hygienists will set up portable dental equipment in the school during school hours.

No, your child will bring home a consent form, or you can print out and complete the consent form at the bottom of this page. The forms need to be signed by a parent/guardian and returned to your child’s teacher. You can contact your child’s school to find out when the program will be there during the school year.

No. This program does not replace a complete dental checkup by a dentist. A letter is mailed home to each participant’s parent and/or legal guardian explaining the services received at the visit and a referral for follow-up care (if needed). If your child has a dentist, you may call your dentist’s office for follow-up care. If your child does not have a dentist, please call DOH-Broward at 954-467-4705 for an appointment.
Portable dental equipment is brought to the school and set up in an assigned area. The dental hygienists provide an assessment to identify if any decayed teeth are present. They clean the teeth, place a dental sealant on all healthy permanent molars, and apply a fluoride varnish. They also provide each student with personalized oral hygiene instructions. The friendly environment makes this a pleasant experience for children and encourages regular oral health care in the future.

The program visits each school once per school year. Contact your child’s school to find out when the dental services will be provided.

Yes. When the dental hygienists see children treated in the past, they evaluate the retention of any dental sealants that were previously placed. They also assess if there are any new cavities present and provide fluoride varnish and oral health education.
Yes, the material we use allows for immediate eating and drinking. However, sticky or hard foods should be avoided as the sealant may come off or break.

If we receive a consent form that is incomplete or not signed, we will send home a new form with your child to be completed and turned in to your child’s teacher.

Each elementary and middle school has been given permission forms. Most schools are putting the consent forms in the First Day of School packets. If you did not receive a form, please ask the school’s front office or your child’s teacher to give you one. There is a link to the consent forms below. To make sure your child can be seen, fill out every line and don’t forget to sign the back of the form. After filling out the entire form, have your child turn it in to their teacher.
If a child has an area of possible tooth decay, we will alert the parent/legal guardian in the letter mailed home. If there is an urgent need such as an infection, pain, or swelling, the parent will be called immediately. Please write your address on the permission form.
Please call the SEALS Program at 954-847-8196.