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The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Sanitary Nuisances

Florida Department of Health in Broward County


The Florida Department of Health in Broward County ( DOH-Broward) is authorized to investigate reports of sanitary nuisance, and if such condition is determined to constitute a sanitary nuisance, DOH-Broward may take such action to abate the said nuisance condition in accordance with the law.

A sanitary nuisance is the commission of any act, by an individual, municipality, organization, or corporation, or the keeping, maintaining, propagation, existence, or permission of anything, by an individual, municipality, organization, or corporation, by which the health or life of an individual, or the health or lives of individuals, may be threatened or impaired, or by which or through which, directly or indirectly, disease may be caused. This includes:

  • Untreated or improperly treated human waste, garbage, offal, dead animals, and noisome odors which are harmful to humans
  • Improperly built or maintained septic tanks, water closets, or privies
  • The creation, maintenance, or causing of any condition capable of breeding flies, mosquitoes, or other arthropods capable of transmitting diseases, directly or indirectly to humans

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